In the novel The Hike, a trio of survivors trek across the mid-west looking for others that may have narrowly escaped an ominous orange...

Plan Your Next Adventure!
In the novel The Hike, Patrick and Mackenzie Kincaid set off from the West Tensleep Trailhead for a weekend backpacking trip. Of course,...

Distinct Cries of Our Children
In the novel The Hike, a father and daughter leave for a backpacking trip in the Big Horn Mountains of Wyoming. However, an ominous...

Is there life after the Yellowstone Super Volcano?
Yellowstone is an amazing place filled with beauty, power, and pristine nature. There is no place like it. What makes Yellowstone so...

A Relationship
I'm blessed with two wonderful daughters and a younger son. My oldest has always been a Daddy's girl who enjoys many of the same things...